Saturday, April 14, 2012

How do you decide what to blog about?

Actually, people ask me what I blog about.  I tell them come read, I blog about lots of things.  A more to the point question might be how do you decide what to blog about?  Sometimes something comes into my mind that I’m just so passionate about that I have to write about it.  So I write and I share.  However, more often I just feel the need to write so I do a quick Google search for writing prompts and see what comes up.  I click around until something catches my eye.  I hope one day soon that my readers will start commenting and blogging back.  I’d love to know what you blog about, or what you would like to read on my blog.  I also find that reading helps me blog.  Reading something great never ceases to inspire me.  Tell me how do you decide what to blog about?  What inspires you?

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