Friday, July 27, 2012

Think Positive / Take Action

Who among us hasn’t had a bad day?  You know those days when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed.  You hate your job, your apartment, your friends, and dread the day ahead because you just know it’s going to be just awful.  It happens occasionally, but when this becomes a cycle there is a problem.  When that bad feeling becomes normal we need to stop and examine things.

Maybe the problem is just attitude and we need to make an adjustment and count our blessings.  It’s great if that’s the case.  Then we just do a little soul searching and try harder to look on the bright side.  Sometimes taking a little time to focus on the needs of others can put things in perspective.

However, sometimes we find that our past choices or perhaps circumstances have put us in place that is just not good for us.  Maybe we’re in a relationship that isn’t healthy.  Sometimes our workplaces can do us more harm than good.  Maybe we’re surrounded by negative people or even dangerous people.  If this is the situation there is always a way out.  Any type of change can be frightening but moving toward a more positive and healthy life is worth facing our fears. 

If you find yourself in this kind of situation and someone that cares about you offers you a way out, check your pride at the door and take it.  Sometimes we can get so lost that we forget that there are people who love us and are praying for us to take a step in the right direction.  Most of us will find that if we step outside ourselves and ask for help that it is there waiting for us.

            Lastly, never underestimate the importance of being there for yourself.  If you truly want love others and to be loved by others you must first love yourself.  If you put bad things into your body you are going to start feeling physically un-well.  When your body feels bad your attitude and your emotions will follow.  Most of us know the basics.  We eat hot dogs and cheese puffs when we know we should be eating real whole foods (grains, poultry /fish, vegetables, dairy).  We drink alcohol when we know we’re dehydrated and should be drinking more water.  I’m not a purist by any means but I know what a difference healthy living and spending a little time caring for yourself can make.

            So if you’re not taking care of yourself start.  If you’re thinking negatively do the hard thing and think positive.  If you know you’re making unhealthy choices start making healthy ones, and if you’re in a bad place reach out and find a way out.  I’m not saying any of this is easy or that you’ll get it right on the first try just that it’s worth trying and there is a light at the end of the tunnel, so get on that train.

Maria J. Speake

(Photo found at )