Saturday, May 12, 2012

When you were young, what did you want most?

When I was younger, in fact when I was very young, there was one thing that I wanted more than anything.  I wanted to be with someone who wanted me as much as I wanted them.  I remember going through years where I thought that the likelihood of that ever happening was slim at best.  As I got older I did have a few boyfriends but I never got to the point where I felt like I had what I was looking for.  I never got the feeling of security that I wanted.  I was either looking for more or I just didn’t trust anyone enough to be the real me.  When I met Mark though, everything changed.  Within a week of knowing him he made me feel safer than I had ever felt in my life.  He showed me with his actions and his words how much I meant to him and enabled me to fall in love with him fully.  Now after 10 years of marriage I realize that what I have is what I spent most of my life looking for.  I have a best friend who can be honest with me.  When he’s proud of me he makes sure that I know it.  When I’m being stupid or being a jerk he makes sure that I know it as well.  It may take me a while to admit it, but deep down I always know that his intentions are good and he simply wants me to be the best that I can.  He expects the best of me and I expect the best from him.  Neither of us is perfect but because we’re together our lives are good, even when circumstances aren’t the best.  I guess that’s what true love really is, knowing that no matter how bad it gets everything is going to be ok because you have someone and they have you.

mindbump suggested by Chibi Doucet

"When you were younger, what was the one thing you wanted most in the world? Have you been able to achieve or get it?"

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Who do you know that has it “all together”?

Let me think about that for a moment.  There’s probably no one I know that has it “all together”.  I had this discussion with a group of writers once.  I think I said well, nobody’s perfect.  Then one of them said that she made that statement once at a seminar and was proved wrong.  She said that she had a daughter and mother attending and the daughter raised her hand to say that was not correct.  She said that her mother was in fact perfect.  The writer told me that she of course was incredulous but she asked a few questions and it definitely seemed at least on the surface that the daughter was correct, her mother was perfect.  The thought coming to me at the moment is that this writer’s definition of perfect, and perhaps the daughter’s definition were most likely completely different than mine.  Who is to say what is perfect?  Who is to say what it is to have it all together?  If I had it all together that would mean that myself and my family would be healthy.  Maybe it would mean a clean house and security.  Mostly it would mean lots of love and laughter.  I know people who seem to have it together like this but they would likely tell you, if they were honest, that there are things in their lives that are not all together.  I think that’s ok though.  If everything is just as it should be then what do we have to work toward?  I think it’s ok to not have it all figured out.  People who know everything are a bit irritating to me, I’m sure I’m not the only one.  Failing and learning from our mistakes is part of the challenge and the fun of being alive.  I can definitely tell you I don’t have it all figured out.  I have some things figured out and for now that’s enough.